We strongly suggest not connecting Google Home. This device is not secure and anyone can connect to your Google Home via MU WiFi. The Google Home App does not provide multi-user security at this time.
1. First You need to find the MAC address on your device.
Instructions to find MAC address
1. Go into “Settings”
2. Select “Network” in WIFI settings
3. Expand the top right menu and you will see the MAC Address option.
4. Proceed to device registration.
2. Go to http://mydevices.marshall.edu/ and sign in with your MUNet credentials.
3. On that page, you can manage your devices. To add a device, click add.
- You will need to register your device ID as the MAC or physical Address to your device. It consists of 12 alphanumeric characters and must be entered into the system as 6 alphanumeric numbers pares separated by colons. ex: A1:B2:C3:D4:E5:F6
- If you are still having trouble finding your MAC Address, contact the device manufacture for assistance. However, it can be commonly found under the WIFI settings.
4. Connect your device to the MU Device Net network.
Still having trouble? Click Here for other instructions.