Quest KACE® Overview

Management ApplicanceUpdating vulnerable software is an important, but tedious part of computer ownership. We all share in the responsibility to ensure that our campus is a secure, safe and productive environment for research, instruction and learning. Identifying and updating vulnerable software is a part of this security process; we feel most will appreciate the ability to automate the process of detecting and deploying critically-needed computer security updates.

Most computer users are aware of the importance of keeping their computers up-to-date to protect against software security vulnerabilities. Microsoft Update and Apple Update are common methods used to notify an individual that their computer needs one or more updates to fix software vulnerabilities. What you may not be aware of is this: many other software applications and utilities installed on your computer do not receive auto-updates from the Microsoft or Apple Update process. These applications such as Adobe Acrobat®, Adobe Flash®, Java®, and Apple QuickTime® are commonly found on your computer and frequently need updates because of security vulnerabilities.

The Marshall University Office of Information Technology understands that detecting and patching these software applications can be a tedious and time consuming process for a computer user.  We also expect that you have many tasks – both important and enjoyable – which you would rather do besides deal with software updates. This usually means that patch updates are a task left for another time, or to be taken care of by someone else.

The KBox ClientKaceAlert

Marshall University has licensed a system to automate and expedite the process of software updates. This system is called the KACE K1000 Management Appliance (or KBOX for short) by Quest/KACE®. University-owned computers will have a small software client pre-installed as part of the default software image.

The KBOX Client software client will periodically remind the computer user when critical software updates are needed and ask for permission before downloading and installing those updates.

Restarting Your Computer

Some critical updates require that your computer be rebooted in order to complete their installation. In those cases, you will receive another KBOX Alert which will notify you that while the patch is installed, a reboot is needed to complete its installation. When you click ‘Yes’, the KBOX client will reboot your computer. You can click ‘No’ if rebooting would interrupt an important task and you will be reminded in 30 minutes. This is similar to ‘Snooze’.