Services Available to Graduates

Congratulations!  Soon you will be graduating from Marshall University.  Now is a good time to take a few moments to wrap up some important technology and service items before you go.

As a Marshall University alum, you may continue using your MUNet account and e-mail services for 2 years.

In addition to your MUNet account and email, here’s information about how your MarshallU account and access to Marshall services will change during this exciting transition. (If you’re continuing at Marshall in another role, like staff or a graduate program, your experience may vary, please contact the IT Service Desk if you have questions.)

Remember that the use of university technology resources requires adherence to the University IT policies and procedures.

Violation of policies will result in the termination of your account.  Marshall University reserves the right to modify or terminate your service for any reason, without notice.

Technical Support

MU IT Service Desk

The IT Service Desk provides support for Marshall University students, faculty and staff. Technical support for alumni is limited to MUNet account administration.  Consult with a local retail store or the online location of the specific hardware and/or software company for recommended support options.

  • Email will continue to be available as long as you keep the account active.  Activity is updated each time you logon with your MUNet account to the myMU web portal or directly to your mailbox on Microsoft 365 at least once every 365-day period.  Checking your Marshall email on your phone does not always update your account status, so manually logging in from a computer web browser is recommended.  Remember, if you set up any online accounts with your address you may wish to update these accounts with a personal address of your choice.
  • MU WiFi is available to you when visiting campus when authenticating with your active MUNet account (see e-mail information above).
  • myMU web portal will still be available to you for access to your student information, transcript requests, and MyPay for student employee W-2 forms as long as your MUNet account remains active.
  • MUAlert – graduates are responsible to update or unsubscribe their campus emergency notification contact information when they are no longer present on campus.  Log in to myMU, click on the MUAlert quick-link to change your options or opt out from future messages.

Campus ID Services

  • Door access – is based on current term enrollment (summer based on fall); or special request
  • Herd Points don’t expire, however they must be used at least once a year.  There is an inactivity fee after 1 year.  If your balance is $5.00 or more you can have it refunded to you by check by contacting the MUID Office for a refund request.


  • Microsoft Office 365 Software – this software is licensed to current students and employees. Once you graduate, you’ll be moved from a Microsoft A5 license to an A1 license.*  An A1 license allows you to use the M365 applications (Word, Excell, Powerpoint, etc.) but these apps are only available via the web instead of the desktop apps that you are used to.  This A1 license will be available to you for a period of 12 months after graduation.  That gives you 12 months after graduation to establish your own personal subscription and migrate your OneDrive data before it goes away with MU.  If you wish to continue using the full desktop apps/software, you will want to purchase your own license. You can log out of your Marshall account and log in with your new username and password to continue using without having to reinstall.
    *A1 – Free Office 365 for the web with popular apps like Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote so teachers and students can work together, communicate seamlessly, and create amazing content. 
    A5 – All the features in A1 in addition to full access to the Office desktop apps and additional management and security tools plus Microsoft’s best-in-class intelligent security management, advanced compliance, and analytics systems. 
  • Microsoft OneDrive – As with the Microsoft 365 Software above, you may need to move from a University to a personal license for this service. Currently, M365 A5 subscribers receive 100GB of online storage.  Once you graduate and change to an A1 license, this storage quota will remain 100GB. Be sure to backup any items from your ‘OneDrive – Marshall University’ account which you need to keep. If you would like to purchase a personal Microsoft 365 subscription visit Microsoft 365 and create a new account. When signing up for a new Microsoft 365, be sure to use an email address different than your email address. Download the files from your Marshall OneDrive account to your computer, and then upload them to your new personal OneDrive.

Reminder:  regularly check your Marshall email by manually logging in from a computer web browser to keep your account status ‘active’ as well as to watch for any future MUIT service announcements.

TechTip: If you purchase Microsoft 365 or Adobe Creative Cloud subscriptions, you can log out of your Marshall account and log in with your new username and password to continue using without having to reinstall.  Remember if you have files stored in your Marshall OneDrive be sure to move your files to a personal account or upgrade to a personal Microsoft subscription.

Microsoft Support — Transition your files:  A Student Guide

Microsoft Support — Move Your School Files When You Graduate (OneDrive)

Microsoft Support — Students: export a copy of your work from OneNote, Class Notebook, Teams, and OneDrive

Microsoft Support — Using Exchange Online for Alumni to Extend Exchange Licenses for Graduating Seniors

  • Other Software – other software may not be generally available (e.g., Adobe Creative Cloud, etc.) except to currently enrolled students.

Library Services

All information regarding Alumni privileges can be found on the library’s website:

Career Education

The Office of Career Education is proud to offer alumni access to comprehensive resources, innovative programs, and personalized guidance to foster professional growth and lifelong success. This can be as simple as tweaking your resume, embarking on a new path, or supporting other Marshall students on their career journey. Career Education offers valuable resources alumni need to be successful.

  • Get one-on-one career advice from our Career Coaches, in person or virtually.
  • Handshake Job Search Database: Access hundreds of entry-level and professional experience jobs, connecting you with diverse opportunities.
  • Resource Access: Utilize tools like Big Interview, PathwayU, Upwork (MarshallUp), and Career Fairs, to enhance your career search strategies.

For more information, call 304-696-2370 or visit

Our goal is to empower Marshall University alumni to thrive in their chosen professions, make meaningful contributions to society, and lead lives of purpose and fulfillment. We look forward to continuing to serve you on your professional journey!

Rec Center

Recent graduates receive a recent alumni rate of $46/month and all graduates are eligible for this for one year after their graduation date.  Once purchased this rate is valid for one year and then they will be moved to the alumni rate.  Additional Information on Marshall alumni access to the campus Rec Center and rates can be found at

Alumni Association

All information about being a new Marshall Alum can be found at


Need technical assistance?

For help with your Marshall account/services, including login help, contact the IT Service Desk at 304-696-3200, or chat at

IT Service Desk

In person – Drinko Library 141
Live Chat available on our pages

Desk Hours
Monday – Thursday 7:00 AM – 11:30 PM
Friday 7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday 1:00 PM – 11:30 PM

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