- Resolution Delegating Authority to the Marshall University President (2002)
- Guide for Renaming and Renumbering Marshall University Board of Governors Rules and University Policies (2024)
- Shared Governance Charter (2025)
Rules, Policies, and Procedures Under Review and Open for Comment
- Information Security Policy (UPGA-10) – Deadline for comments is April 4, 2025.
Board of Governors Rules
Number | Name | Effective Date |
MUBOG-AA-1 | Sabbatical Leave | 09/19/2024 |
MUBOG-AA-2 | Awarding of Undergraduate and Graduate Fee Waivers | 05/26/2023 |
MUBOG-AA-3 | Reduced Tuition for Seniors | 08/01/2019 |
MUBOG-AA-4 | Third Party Waivers | 05/28/2019 |
MUBOG-AA-5 | Employee Dependent Undergraduate Tuition Assistance Program | 09/13/2022 |
MUBOG-AA-6 | Faculty Promotion | 01/28/2020 |
MUBOG-AA-7 | Faculty Promotion | 03/08/2006 |
MUBOG-AA-8 | Termination of Faculty Due to Program Reduction or Discontinuance | 10/15/2019 |
MUBOG-AA-9 | Faculty Tenure | 09/28/2020 |
MUBOG-AA-10 | Individual Conflict of Interest in Research | 01/28/2020 |
MUBOG-AA-11 | Institutional Conflict of Interest in Research | 01/28/2020 |
MUBOG-AA-12 | Ownership of Scholarly and Creative Works | 07/27/2021 |
MUBOG-AA-13 | Plan for Meeting Financial Exigency | 06/25/2020 |
MUBOG-AA-14 | Political Activities | 05/28/2019 |
MUBOG-AA-15 | Emeritus Status for Retired Employees | 02/01/2021 |
MUBOG-AA-16 | Professional Responsibility, Academic Responsibility, and Academic Freedom | 09/19/2024 |
Number | Name | Effective Date |
MUBOG-FA-1 | Travel Policy | 05/28/2019 |
MUBOG-FA-2 | Investment Policy | 10/18/2011 |
MUBOG-FA-3 | Purchasing Policy | 09/18/2024 |
MUBOG-FA-4 | Tuition and Fees Policy | 07/26/2024 |
MUBOG-FA-5 | Capital Project Management | 08/22/2020 |
Number | Name | Effective Date |
MUBOG-GA-1 | Organization Structure of the Board | 05/28/2019 |
MUBOG-GA-2 | Policy on Rulemaking | 01/01/2024 |
MUBOG-GA-3 | Discrimination, Harassment, Sexual Harassment, Sexual and Domestic Misconduct, Stalking, and Retaliation Policy – Including Title-IX | 9/15/2023 |
MUBOG-GA-4 | Minors on Campus | 01/01/2022 |
MUBOG-GA-5 | Whistleblower Policy | 12/03/2019 |
MUBOG-GA-6 | Intellectual Property Policy | 07/27/2021 |
MUBOG-GA-7 | Intercollegiate Athletics | 9/15/2023 |
MUBOG-GA-8 | Naming Policy for Programs and Facilities | 09/15/2023 |
MUBOG-GA-9 | General Conflict of Interest | 10/12/2006 |
Number | Name | Effective Date |
MUBOG-SA-1 | Student Rights and Responsibilities | 07/26/2024 |
MUBOG-SA-2 | Student Academic Rights | 07/28/2023 |
MUBOG-SA-3 | Presidents Emergency Authority | 06/28/2023 |
MUBOG-SA-4 | Directory Information | 12/01/2020 |
University Policies
Number | Name | Effective Date |
UPFA-1 | Use of Institutional Facilities | 08/01/2019 |
UPFA-2 | Disposition of Surplus Property | 10/15/2019 |
UPFA-3 | Program for Disposition of Surplus Computers | 10/15/2019 |
UPFA-4 | Classified/Non-Classified Employee Salary Policy | 11/20/2022 |
UPFA-5 | Salary Supplements for Marshall University Employees from Non State Sources | 08/01/2019 |
UPFA-6 | Credit Card Solicitation | 05/28/2019 |
UPFA-7 | Identity Theft Prevention Program | 12/03/2019 |
UPFA-8 | Small and Diverse Business Program | 07/01/2021 |
Number | Name | Effective Date |
UPGA-1 | Speed Flow and Parking of Vehicles | 03/09/2005 |
UPGA-2 | Weather Closings and Delays | 08/01/2019 |
UPGA-3 | Record Rention Policy | 10/30/2012 |
UPGA-4 | Alcoholic Beverages on the Campuses | 12/14/2022 |
UPGA-5 | Tobacco Policy | 08/01/2019 |
UPGA-6 | Animals on Campus | 07/29/2014 |
UPGA-7 | Public Art Policy | 08/04/2016 |
UPGA-8 | NAGPRA Policy | 11/26/2018 |
UPGA-9 | Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy | 10/15/2019 |
UPGA-10 | Information Security Policy | 10/15/2019 |
UPGA-11 | Electronic Communications Policy | 10/15/2019 |
UPGA-12 | Campus Carry Policy | 07/01/2024 |
UPGA-13 | Research Integrity | 05/25/2024 (Passed on Emergency Basis) |
University Administrative Procedures
Number | Name | Effective Date |
FIN-1 | University Travel | 08/10/2022 |
Number | Name | Effective Date |
FINAID-1 | CARES Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Procedures | 08/10/2022 |
FINAID-2 | CARES Act: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Procedures (revised) | 03/05/2021 |
FINAID-3 | ARPA: Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Procedures | 09/15/2021 |
FINAID-4 | ARPA: Student Technology Grant | 09/03/2021 |
FINAID-5 | ARPA: Student Government Association Emergency Financial Aid Grant | 11/01/2021 |
FINAID-6 | Distance Tuition Rate Procedures | 07/06/2023 |
Number | Name | Effective Date |
HRS-1 | Employee Sexual Misconduct Procedures | 08/21/2023 |
HRS-2 | Compensation Guidelines | 03/22/2022 |
HRS-3 | Children on Campus | 09/03/2018 |
HRS-5 | Annual Experience Increment (AEI) | 08/01/2006 |
HRS-6 | Attendance Procedure | 11/10/2023 |
Number | Name | Effective Date |
ITP-1 | Technology Governance and Procurement Review | 08/28/24 |
ITP-2 | Technology Communications Management | 03/18/25 |
Number | Name | Effective Date |
STUDENT-1 | Student Enrollment Status for Services and Activities | June 28, 2023 |
STUDENT-2 | Missing Person Procedure | 06/21/2018 |
STUDENT-3 | Student Disciplinary Procedures | 08/23/2024 |
STUDENT-4 | Requesting Textbooks in Alternate Format Procedure | 07/10/2018 |
STUDENT-5 | Appeals Process for Provision of Reasonable Accommodations | 08/15/2018 |
STUDENT-6 | Procedure for Interpreting Services | 10/13/2019 |
STUDENT-7 | General University Reporting Procedure | 09/09/2024 |
STUDENT-8 | Marshall University Reporting System Procedure | 09/09/2024 |
STUDENT-9 | Behavioral Intervention and Risk Assessment Procedure | 09/09/2024 |