Lecture capture is a term describing any technology that allows instructors to record what happens in their classrooms and make it available digitally. In its simplest form, lecture capture might be an audio recording made with an iPod; alternatively, the term might refer to a software capture program that records cursor movement, typing, or other on-screen activity. Lecture capture systems offer three important benefits: an alternative when students miss class; an opportunity for content review; and content for online course development. Lecture capture enhances and extends existing instructional activities, whether in face-to-face, fully online, or blended learning environments. (Educause) At Marshall University, lecture capture technology is provided by a combination of software. Techsmith’s software, Techsmith Relay, provides a solution that is able to capture the desktop of a computer and integrate a camera feed. All of the TECI rooms have Techsmith Relay installed and ready to use. You can also download the software to use on your personal computer here. You will need to use your MUNet username and password to login. Techsmith also has an app for mobile devices called Fuse that allows recording from the device. Previous recordings or screen captures can be uploaded as well. For example, if your mobile device has a whiteboard app such as Doceri, you can record a session on uploaded to the Marshall Techsmith Relay server to use in your class.
Download Fuse for your iPhone or Android device
Video Management
Once the your videos are complete, Marshall provides a central management platform to host and stream your videos to where ever you need. The platform is called Ensemble Video and can be accessed here. With Ensemble you can stream videos to Blackboard, secure who views the videos, create playlist, and have students upload their own videos. For more information on how to utilize Ensemble, please contact the MUOnLine Design Center.
Here are some training materials to get started.
Download Techsmith Relay
Tutorials from Techsmith