Media Studies / Production Major

Radio / Television Production and Management Emphasis

In the world of radio, silence is the worst thing you can hear. Learning to fix silence, including finding your own voice, is the goal at SOJMC. Choosing to major in Radio/Television will put your voice on the airwaves of award winning WMUL-FM 88.1 You will learn the details of what it’s like in a radio station, because you’ll be working in one. You’ll know what it takes to produce television shows, because you’ll package them for the airwaves. Handle the equipment. Develop communication skills. Be part of the only daily 30-minute radio news broadcast in the market. Tell all your friends and family to listen to your air shift and to watch you on television.

Learning how to work with groups of people is one thing, but learning how to lead them is another. Through podcasting or broadcasting get experience for when you’re asked to be in charge.

TV & Video Production Emphasis

What good is an idea if it’s stuck in your head? TV & Video Production takes you through the steps you’ll need to become a talented producer and broadcaster, imagining every phase of your video and TV project from start to finish. Learn how to storyboard your scenes effectively. Become a writer. Decide what narrative plots are needed to make your point. Experiment with documentaries, corporate video, commercials, video blogs and short films. Experience live TV broadcasting such as producing news, sports, and entertainment TV shows. Learning how to use professional equipment is no overnight cram session. You’ll learn with experience. Thoughts of memory cards, framerate, focus, framing and rule of thirds will guide each shot. As you start editing clips and audio with professional production software, shooting live TV in our expansive studio, you will begin to see your vision evolving into reality.

Contact Us

Communications Building
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755

Phone: 304-696-2360

Web: Contact Form

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