All SOJMC students are required to meet with an academic advisor for the first 60 hours of coursework.
Before Meeting an Advisor
Make a list of the classes to take for the upcoming semester. Print an unofficial transcript from MyMu. Doing this reduces the chance that you would not receive credit for a class that you completed at other schools, or during high school. Make an appointment with the appropriate academic advisor. Most advisors post appointment signup sheets outside their offices before registration begins. Come prepared to the appointment with the correct student identification (901) number, an upcoming semester class list, and unofficial transcript.
What to Expect
Advisors guide students in the class selection process and lift certain holds. Holds may be placed by other campus offices, and lifted only by those offices, such as the Parking Office for unpaid parking tickets. Advisors may ask students to fill out, and sign, a class registration form for their records. Before leaving the appointment, note the advisor’s office hours and contact information in case of scheduling problems.
After the Meeting
There are two options to register for classes: filling out a class registration form and taking it to the office of the Registrar, or register online through Milo on MyMu. Consult an academic advisor if there are any problems using Milo to register.
Completing a degree should not be a problem when the academic plan for the major is followed.