Banned Books 2021 – Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaption

Marshall University does not ban books! The information is provided to let people know what has been banned/challenged elsewhere.


This graphic novel version of the unabridged Anne Frank diary was challenged by a parent of the Northwood (NH) School District, who claimed that its content was “inappropriate” for any age level at the school. The reconsideration committee recommended moving the book to the YA section. That decision was appealed to the superintendent, who agreed to the relocation. The superintendent reported in the October 2020 board minutes that the decision was to be appealed to the board, but the parent had accepted the decision. The graphic novel was retained in the YA section.

On These Pages

A Banned book has been removed from a library, classroom, etc.
A Challenged book has been requested to be removed from a library, classroom, etc.

For additional information contact

Ron Titus,

Last updated

September 9, 2021