Michelle Alford
Library Information Systems Technologist |
DL 336 |
304-696-6674 |
alford4@marshall.edu |
Eleanor Anders
Library Associate / Interlibrary Loan |
DL 336 |
304-696-2328 |
vickers11@marshall.edu |
Gretchen Beach
Assistant Dean / Head of Digital and Technical Services |
ML 205 |
304-696-2312 |
beachgr@marshall.edu |
Sue Ellen Bell
Emeritus Staff Librarian / Government Documents |
bell@marshall.edu |
Mary Bowsher
Library Associate / EZ-Borrow |
DL 336 |
304-696-6698 |
curtis@marshall.edu |
Johnny Bradley
Supervisor of Library Operations |
DL 338 |
304-696-6434 |
bradley39@marshall.edu |
Dr. Monica García Brooks
Dean of University Libraries |
DL 306 |
304-696-6474 |
monica.brooks@marshall.edu |
Rebekkah Brown
Library Associate |
DL 336 |
304-696-6328 |
boltr@marshall.edu |
Gena Chattin
Assistant Professor / Research and ETD Librarian |
DL 213B |
304-746-1930 |
chattin2@marshall.edu |
Cathy Cover
Emeritus Library Associate / Interlibrary Loan |
alford@marshall.edu |
Tiffani Daniels
Business Manager of University Libraries |
DL 313A |
304-696-3021 |
daniels4@marshall.edu |
Nat DeBruin
Emeritus Professor |
Joseph Eichman
Office Administrator |
DL 302D |
eichmanj@marshall.edu |
Anna Freidin
Staff Librarian |
ML 13? |
freidin1@marshall.edu |
Joe Geiger
Part-Time Curator / Librarian |
ML 215 |
304-696-2343 |
geiger1@marshall.edu |
Lindsey Harper
Assistant Professor / Archivist and Record Management Librarian |
ML 209 |
304-696-3174 |
harper166@marshall.edu |
Kyrsten Hodge
Library Systems Specialist, Sr. |
DL 336 |
304-696-6569 |
kyrsten.hodge@marshall.edu |
Jenny Holderby
Library Associate |
DL 336 |
304-696-2323 |
holderby@marshall.edu |
Anna Hughes
Health Science Librarian |
HSL, Cabell Huntington Hospital |
304-691-1750 |
hughesan@marshall.edu |
Lisa Hughes
Library Research Specialist |
DL 336 |
304-696-3096 |
Lisa.Hughes@marshall.edu |
Dr. Kelli Johnson
Professor |
DL 228 |
304-696-6567 |
kelli.johnson@marshall.edu |
Dr. Majed Khader
Emeritus Professor |
ML 130 |
khader@marshall.edu |
Dena Laton
Library Research and Copyright Specialist |
DL 336 |
dena.laton@marshall.edu |
Heather Lauer
Assistant Professor / Librarian |
DL 213 A |
304-746-8906 |
lauer2@marshall.edu |
Kacy Lovelace
Assistant Professor / Research and Student Success Librarian |
DL 224 |
304-696-6226 |
kacy.lovelace@marshall.edu |
Jessica Lowman
Assistant Professor / Archivist & Digital Preservation Librarian |
ML 211 |
304-696-3098 |
lowman@marshall.edu |
Jamie Mathis
Staff Librarian |
DL 336 |
jamie.mathis@marshall.edu |
Sarah Mollette
Associate Professor / Research and Online Learning Librarian |
DL 223 |
304-696-2335 |
sarah.mollette@marshall.edu |
Dr. Katherine Murphy
Library Research Specialist |
South Charleston Administration Building 333 |
304-746-8900 |
kayk@marshall.edu |
Seth Nichols
Library Research Specialist |
ML 2? |
304-696-6585 |
seth.nichols@marshall.edu |
Diane Palmieri
Staff Librarian |
DL 336 |
304-696-6456 |
palmierid@marshall.edu |
Eryn Roles
Collaborative Learning Librarian & CoLab Coordinator |
DL 125 |
304-696-2336 |
roles1@marshall.edu |
Meghan Dawn Sexton-Harness
Library Research Specialist |
DL 336 |
304-696-4011 |
sexton73@marshall.edu |
Larry Sheret
Professor / Scholarly Communication & Open Educational Resources Librarian |
DL 213C |
304-696-6577 |
sheret@marshall.edu |
Jacqueline Smith
Library Associate / Serials |
DL 336 |
304-696-3647 |
smithjd@marshall.edu |
Patsy Stephenson
Staff Librarian / Government Documents |
DL 336 |
304-696-2342 |
stephens@marshall.edu |
Jonathan Sutton
Library Associate / Accountant |
ML 213 |
304-696-5224 |
sutton11@marshall.edu |
Lori Thompson
Associate Professor / Head of Special Collections |
ML 211 |
304-696-6611 |
thompson39@marshall.edu |
Stephen B. Tipler
Professor / Web and Digital Services Librarian |
DL 225 |
304-696-2907 |
stipler@marshall.edu |
Ron Titus
Professor, Head of RIS |
DL 222 |
304-696-6575 |
titus@marshall.edu |
Meena Wadhwa
Library Associate / Reserves |
DL 336 |
304-696-2339 |
wadhwa@marshall.edu |
Paris Webb
Professor / Digital Resources & Systems Support Librarian |
DL 338 |
304-696-3511 |
webbp@marshall.edu |
Phyllis M. White-Sellards
Library Associate / IDS Lending |
DL 336 |
304-696-6574 |
whitesel@marshall.edu |
Jingping Zhang
Emeritus Professor |
zhangj@marshall.edu |