Dr. Monica García Brooks is the Dean of Libraries at Marshall University and has been active in WV’s academic libraries for close to 35 years. She is a past president of the WV Library Association, member of the steering committee for WVER, WV’s electronic resource library consortium, and faculty member for WVROCKS, the Higher Education Policy Commission’s accelerated online Bachelor of Arts completion program for WV residents. In addition to participating in various MU recruitment and diversity activities, she also works on statewide open educational resource (OER) and open textbook initiatives, library profession mentoring, digital literacy, and copyright education. Unique projects of interest include research on her family’s circus, La Carpa Garcia, 1914-1947, its impact on Mexican-American theater in the Southwest, and topics relating to the 1933 Chicago World’s Fair Homes of Tomorrow Exhibition. Dr. Brooks is also a founding committee member for HerdCon, the library’s pop culture convention, held on Marshall’s campus each year.
You can view her CV here.