Campus Mail Authorization


Marshall University Mail Services

Campus Mail Authorization





Mail Services Policy:


No outside vendor or Student Organization may have items sent through campus mail unless they receive approval first.  This can be obtained from Human Resources, Payroll, Purchasing, Assistant Vice President for Administration, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, or the President. Also, Mail Services will not process mail without a completed form accompanying the item to be placed in mail boxes.


Name (Please Print):_________________________________   Date: ____/____/______


Organization / Vendor Name: _______________________________________________


Phone Number: (____) _____-________ ext. ________

Fax Number:     (____) _____-________ ext. ________


Organization Address:






Description of Item to be Placed in Mail Boxes:



Requested Service and Additional Information:



Signature of Requestor: ____________________________________________________


Authorization Signature: ___________________________________________________

(Circle One) Human Resources, Payroll, Purchasing, Assistant Vice President for Administration, Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, or the President


Date of Approval: ____/____/______


Date Item Placed in Mail Boxes: ____/____/______


Signature of Mail Services Employee: ___________________________________