Marshall University Mail Services only handles United States Postal Services mail does NOT usually handle the mail for the dorms (only if miss addressed).
Dorm mail is distributed by Residence Service staff in each dorm.
Anything sent through other couriers (Fed Ex, UPS, DHl, ect.) if not delivered directly to the dorm would be delivered to Shipping and Receiving.
Important numbers:
Shipping and Receiving-304-696-6678
Residence Services —–304-696-6765
Freshman Dorms———304-696-3362
Twin Towers East——–304-696-3184
Twin Towers West——-304-696-2421
Holderby Hall—————304-696-6697
Buskirk Hall—————-304-696-2576
Willis Hall——————-304-696-6340
Wellman Hall————–304-696-6341
Gibson Hall—————–304-696-6342
Haymaker Hall————304-696-6343