These are the icons available to use with the shortcodes that allow icons to be included.
Icon Title | Icon Example |
announcement | |
book | |
calendar | |
camera | |
cap | |
certificate | |
chart | |
chat | |
checkmark | |
check-circle | |
chevron-circle-right | |
clean | |
coffee | |
computer | |
dumbbell | |
emergency | |
flag | |
football | |
head-side-medical | |
house | |
info-circle | |
info | |
laptop | |
library | |
list-ol | |
list | |
location | |
magazine | |
mask | |
medkit | |
mobile_phone | |
money | |
newspaper | |
notes-medical | |
notification | |
pencil | |
peoplearrows | |
personmask | |
phone | |
pin | |
plane | |
quarantine | |
question | |
rightarrow | |
syringe | |
teacher | |
tool | |
two-virus | |
users | |
user-headset | |
utensils | |
vial | |
vials | |
video | |
virus | |
vote | |
warning | |
wifi | |
youtube |