Feature Row

Note on Feature Row
You are limited to a maximum of 4 feature items at present time.

Feature Row Shortcode Parameters

The parameters for the feature row items shortcode:

  • RequiredType (type): There are two options:
    • Gray Background: This will include a gray background with the image over top and text below.
    • Background Image: This will include a background image with an overly and the text on top of the background image.
    • Card: This will display an image above a dark gray box with the title and content.

The parameters for the feature row items shortcode:

  • RequiredBackground Image (bg_image): This is the background image for the box.
  • RequiredLink (link): This is the number that will display in the box, if it’s monetary it should include a dollar sign before it.
  • RequiredTitle (title): This should be the title of the feature row item that will display below the number.

Feature Row Shortcode Examples

Feature Row with Gray Background

[mu_feature_row type="gray"]
[mu_feature_item title="College of Arts and Media" link="http://www.marshall.edu/cam/" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/cam.jpg"]
[mu_feature_item title="College of Business" link="https://www.marshall.edu/cob/" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/cob.jpg"]
[mu_feature_item title="College of Education and Professional Development" link="http://www.marshall.edu/coepd/" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/coepd.jpg"]
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Feature Row with Background Image

[mu_feature_row type="image"]
[mu_feature_item title="About Us" link="#" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/cam.jpg"]
[mu_feature_item title="Our Faculty/Staff" link="#" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/cob.jpg"]
[mu_feature_item title="Our Programs" link="#" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/coepd.jpg"]
[mu_feature_item title="Contact Us" link="#" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/cite.jpg"]
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Feature Row with Card

[mu_feature_row type="card"]
[mu_feature_item title="Students" link="#" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/cam.jpg"]Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam eu lectus viverra, auctor massa vel, dapibus mi. Ut leo tortor, commodo sed orci vel, vulputate accumsan nunc.[/mu_feature_item]
[mu_feature_item title="Degrees & Programs" link="#" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/cob.jpg"]Praesent efficitur leo vel nisl luctus, ut iaculis tortor consectetur.[/mu_feature_item]
[mu_feature_item title="Research" link="#" bg_image="https://www.marshall.edu/academics/files/2019/08/coepd.jpg"]nteger finibus, justo ut luctus rhoncus, tortor lectus ullamcorper neque, suscipit bibendum erat libero in magna. Sed non elit vitae odio vulputate mattis.[/mu_feature_item]
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