Testimonials Shortcode Parameters
The parameters for the testimonials shortcode:
- RequiredName (name): The name of the person giving the quote.
- Title (title): The title or descriptive text of the person giving the quote. This could be their job title, “Director of Web Strategy” or for students often “History Major, Class of 2022”
- Image (image): This is the URL of the image to be used. This image must be in your site’s Media Library for it to load properly. The images should be square images. You can edit the images with image editing software prior to uploading to the Media Library
Testimonials Shortcode Examples
Default Testimonials

The Honors College helps distinguish Marshall University as the special institution it is—one that is accessible, affordable, and familiar for many of our students, but one that also supports students looking to be pushed, to be challenged, to be as closely mentored as they would be if they attended a private (and far more costly) college.

My membership in the Honors College at Marshall University has allowed me to expand my knowledge of several diverse fields of study outside of my majors. As an Honors College student, I’ve formed meaningful relationships with my seminar professors, I’ve engaged in important community service initiatives, and I’ve gained leadership experience that has prepared me for the next phase of my education.
[mu_quote image="http://www.marshall.edu/honors/files/hc_seminars_faculty_peckham_5x3.5.jpg" name="Rachael Peckham" title="PhD, Professor of English"]The Honors College helps distinguish Marshall University as the special institution it is—one that is accessible, affordable, and familiar for many of our students, but one that also supports students looking to be pushed, to be challenged, to be as closely mentored as they would be if they attended a private (and far more costly) college.[/mu_quote]
[mu_quote image="http://www.marshall.edu/honors/files/alyssa-milbee-e1637246179900.jpeg" name="Alyssa Milbee" title="BS student in Biology and Health Sciences"]My membership in the Honors College at Marshall University has allowed me to expand my knowledge of several diverse fields of study outside of my majors. As an Honors College student, I’ve formed meaningful relationships with my seminar professors, I’ve engaged in important community service initiatives, and I’ve gained leadership experience that has prepared me for the next phase of my education.[/mu_quote]
[mu_quote image="http://www.marshall.edu/honors/files/hc_seminars_faculty_peckham_5x3.5.jpg" name="Rachael Peckham" title="PhD, Professor of English"]The Honors College helps distinguish Marshall University as the special institution it is—one that is accessible, affordable, and familiar for many of our students, but one that also supports students looking to be pushed, to be challenged, to be as closely mentored as they would be if they attended a private (and far more costly) college.[/mu_quote]
[mu_quote image="http://www.marshall.edu/honors/files/alyssa-milbee-e1637246179900.jpeg" name="Alyssa Milbee" title="BS student in Biology and Health Sciences"]My membership in the Honors College at Marshall University has allowed me to expand my knowledge of several diverse fields of study outside of my majors. As an Honors College student, I’ve formed meaningful relationships with my seminar professors, I’ve engaged in important community service initiatives, and I’ve gained leadership experience that has prepared me for the next phase of my education.[/mu_quote]
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