The Department of Mathematics offers majors in Mathematics and Statistics, both leading to a Bachelor of Science degree. In addition, a Minor in Mathematics and a Minor in Statistics are offered.
A degree in mathematics or statistics opens many opportunities:
- Employment in engineering, industry, finance, and actuarial positions.
- Employment in secondary education
- Graduate studies in mathematics, statistics, economics, engineering, and other quantitative fields
- Professional school in business, accounting, law, medicine, and related fields (with appropriate pre-professional courses)
- Employment by government agencies such as the National Security Agency and federal research laboratories
Please select one of the majors to view degree requirements:
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
Total credit hours: 35–59
In addition to the following requirements, students must satisfy the requirements of the Marshall Core Curriculum and the program requirements of the College of Science.
Bachelor of Science in Statistics
Total credit hours: 41–59
In addition to the following requirements, students must satisfy the requirements of the Marshall Core Curriculum and the program requirements of the College of Science.
List of Electives for Majors in Mathematics & Statistics
The following courses may be used as electives for the majors in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics. A course used to satisfy part of the Sequence Requirement for a degree may not also be counted as an elective.
Course Number | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Stat 325 | Survey Sampling Methods | 3 |
Stat 326 | Applied Statistical Methods | 3 |
Math 360 | Introduction to Complex Variables | 3 |
Math 361 | Vector Calculus | 3 |
Math 335 | Differential Equations | 4 |
Math 405 | History of Mathematics | 3 |
Math 411 | Mathematical Modeling | 3 |
Stat 412 | Regression Analysis | 3 |
Stat 413 | Experimental Designs | 3 |
Math 415 | Partial Differential Equations | 3 |
Math 416 | Advanced Differential Equations | 3 |
Stat 420 | Nonparametric Methods | 3 |
Stat 422 | Time Series Forecasting | 3 |
Math 427 | Advanced Calculus 1 | 3 |
Math 428 | Advanced Calculus 2 | 3 |
Math 430 | Topology 1 | 3 |
Math 431 | Topology 2 | 3 |
Math 440 | Graph Theory and Combinatorics | 3 |
Math 442 | Numerical Linear Algebra | 3 |
Math 443 | Numerical Analysis | 3 |
Stat 445 | Probability and Statistics 1 | 3 |
Stat 446 | Probability and Statistics 2 | 3 |
Math 448 | Modern Geometries | 3 |
Math 449 | Projective Geometry | 3 |
Math 450 | Modern Algebra 1 | 3 |
Math 452 | Modern Algebra 2 | 3 |
Math 455 | Number Theory | 3 |
Math 460 | Complex Variables 1 | 3 |
Math 461 | Complex Variables 2 | 3 |
Stat 464 | Statistical Computing | 3 |
Stat 466 | Stochastic Processes | 3 |
Stat 470 | Applied Survival Analysis | 3 |
Math or STA 480–483 | Special Topics | Hours Vary |
Math or STA 485–488 | Independent Study | Hours Vary |
This page is an unofficial summary of degree requirements. The official requirements are described in the most current Undergraduate Catalog. Students should consult their advisor when deciding on a plan of study.
Contact us regarding Mathematics Undergraduate Degrees:
Dr. Avi Mallick
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Office: 722 Smith Hall
Phone: 304-696-3443

Dr. Alfred Akinsete
Department Chair
Office: 523/524 Smith Hall
Phone: 304-696-6010