Math and statistics tutoring is available in person and virtually! There are multiple free tutoring options available for students enrolled in math courses.
In person or virtual drop in tutoring
The Department of Mathematics and Physics offers in person and virtual drop-in tutoring. No appointment is necessary. You can connect over the internet or go to the Math Tutoring Lab in SH 625.
Click the following link to access drop-in video chat tutoring: Connect Now to Tutoring over Microsoft Teams
To get help through a discussion board, open Microsoft Teams, click Join or Create Team. Please join the team using the code: aeqxzd1 and navigate to the channel for your course.
Drop-in tutoring covers all 100 and 200 level math and statistics courses.
Fall 2024 – Spring 2025:
In person and virtual drop-in tutoring is available from 1:00pm to 5:00pm, Monday through Thursday. These hours may change from time to time based on tutor availability. The lab will be in operation Monday, August 26 – Friday, December 6, and Tuesday, January 21 – Friday, May 2. The lab is closed for university holidays.
Contact us
We are here to help! Please contact Dr. Shannon Miller-Mace at or Dr. Jiyoon Jung at with any tutoring questions or concerns. We will make every effort to respond promptly.
Tutoring by appointment
University College has partnered with Knack to provide tutoring for specific classes by appointment. For information on this and other tutoring options, please visit University College Tutoring Services.