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Credential WV 2024 Summit Speakers

Dr. Chris Mullin
Strategy Director, Lumina Foundation

Dr. Melanie Booth
Executive Director, HLC Credential Lab Higher Learning Commission

Dr. Angie Besendorfer
Chief Impact Officer, Astrum U

Dr. Rachel Khan
Senior Director, Community College Growth Engine, Education Design Lab

Janet Gibbon
Director of Strategic Partnerships, Gallup

Kara Eldersveld

Dr. Rick Woodfield
Chief Academic Officer for the Ohio Association of Community Colleges

Dr. Lauri White
Associate Vice Chancellor, Workforce Engagement, Ohio Department of Education

Dr. Kathryn Regjo
Vice President for Academic Affairs, Colorado Mountain College

Mike Macklin
Associate Vice Chancellor for Workforce Solutions, Colorado Community College System

Dr. Bill Bissett
West Virginia Manufacturers Association

Dr. Corely Dennison
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Commission/Council Staff

Dr. Julia Spears
Assistant Provost of Online Education and Certification, Marshall University

Dr. Kish Cumi Price
Project Manager, Marshall University

Hilary Gibson
Instructional Designer, Marshall University

Dr. Sarah Armstrong Tucker
Chancellor West Virginia Higher Education

James Arnett
Blenko Glass Company

Michael Crown
West Virginia Workforce Development

Samantha Wallace
Mountwest Community & Technical College and Marshall University

Dr. Kristy Wood
Dean of Workforce Development, Mountwest CTC

Dr. Rob Tudor
Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Shepherd University

Dr. Brian Weingart
Senior Director of Financial Aid, Commission/Council Staff