Transcript Requests

Q: How do I request official transcripts from Marshall University?

A:  Students should visit to request transcripts online through the registrar’s office. Students may also go to Registrar’s office and use a self-service kiosk.


Admission/Registration Questions

Q:  How do I get admitted to Marshall?

A:  There are a few steps to take in order to get admitted.  First, you will need to have completed and submitted an application to the Admissions Office on the main campus.  Also, your admission fees need to have been paid to the Admissions Office as well. Next, you need to have your official transcript(s) sent from your previous school(s), both high school and college.  Lastly, you will need to request that your test scores from the ACT, TASK, or Asset Tests be submitted to the Marshall Admissions Office.

Minimum scores for placement in Math and English

English = ACT Verbal of 18, old SAT Verbal 450 (prior to March 2016), new SAT ERW 480 (ERW = Evidenced Based Reading & Writing Score)

Math = ACT Math of 19, old SAT Math 460 (prior to March 2016), new SAT Math 500

Q:  How do I register for classes?

A:  In order to register for classes, you will need to receive your letter of acceptance from Marshall University.  Then you will need to get a Student ID card made (that can be done at MOVC or on campus).  You will then need to complete a registration form at MOVC or at the registrar’s office in Old Main on campus.  After that, just pay the applicable tuition fees by the due date.

Q:  I’m transferring from another college or university.  What steps do I need to take to get admitted to Marshall?

A:  You will need to follow the steps above to get admitted to Marshall, but there are also a couple more things that will need to be done.  You will need to pay a $50 transfer evaluation fee, which includes application fee and you will need to have your prior school send an official transcript directly to Marshall.

Q:  I am a returning student to Marshall.  Are there any special procedures for me?

A:  Yes.  If you attended another school since your last semester at Marshall, you will need to transfer back in to Marshall by following the transfer instructions above.  If you have not attended any other schools during your time away from college, you simply need to fill out a re-admit form and submit it along with a copy of your driver’s license. There is no cost for this.

Financial Aid Questions

Q:  What is/Where can I get a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)?

A:  The FAFSA is the first form that needs to be filled out and submitted to apply for any federal aid.  You do need to fill out a new FAFSA for every school year.  The FAFSA forms are available here at MOVC, on campus in the Financial Aid office, and online at The web site also has an abundance of good information regarding financial aid and the FAFSA.


Monday – Friday
8:30 am – 4:30 pm


Contact Us

Phone: 304-674-7200
Fax: 304-674-7222


For closing or class cancellation information call the MOVC Hotline 304-674-7239 (updated daily)