Reservation Policy

All reservations must be made on the online reservation form and submitted a minimum of 48 hours prior to the event. Any request taken by telephone will remain tentative pending receipt of the reservation request. A reservation is not considered confirmed until an e-mail confirmation has been received by the individual or group reserving the facility.

  • All special arrangements or equipment needs must be stated on the application form.
  • All cancellations must be made in writing a minimum of 24 hours prior to the scheduled event.
  • The Facilities Scheduling Office reserves the right to move a group from the originally scheduled room to another suitable room if necessary.

Any group or organization that wishes to use the facility after closing hours must comply with the following:

  • One week notice must be given.
  • The event must be in progress one hour before the building closes.*
  • The event must be over by  1:00 A.M, including tear down by group, band, dj, etc.*
  • A building overtime fee may occur for hours after building operations.

Depending on the nature of the event, Marshall Police officers may be required to work the entire event. Organizations sponsoring dances or events with alcohol are required to hire one (1) Marshall University Police officer.  Other events may require an officer, at the discretion of the Director of Public Safety.

There will be an hourly charge for any function held before or after normal operating hours. Charges are available at the Facilities Scheduling Office. Building operation hours are approved by the Memorial Student Center Governing Board.

  • No nails, staples, tacks, glue, or adhesives shall be used to attach materials to the building.
  • Any organization or group will be held responsible for any damages or improprieties that might occur to the facility, equipment, or furniture during the scheduled event.
  • University policy prohibits smoking anywhere on campus.

No parties using Marshall University facilities shall discriminate against any citizen of the United States or any person within the jurisdiction thereof, on the grounds of race, color, age, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, sex, or handicap.


Guests may park in the garage on Fifth Avenue across from the Memorial Student Center.  Parking is $.50 per hour.

* * * * * *
Facility rental does not include permission to use any trademark, logo, phrase or image belonging to or referring to Marshall University. Use of the University name is limited to listing the event location only. All other usages are prohibited.

For facilities outside the Memorial Student Center, including the Stadium Big Green Room and the Fine and Performing Arts Center, contact the Facilities Scheduling Office for availability and reservation requirements. Information and rates are available in the Facilities Scheduling Office.