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Honors College Dean Search – presentations next week

I am inviting all interested members of the Marshall University community to attend presentations by the two candidates for the position of Dean, Honors College.


Candidate:    K. L. Cook, Professor of Creative Writing and Literature, Prescott College

Date:               Tuesday, February 5

Time:              11- 11:45 a.m.

Location:        Memorial Student Center,  Student Resource Center


Candidate:    Dennis Hart, Director, Visiting International Professional Program, Michigan State University

Date:               Thursday, February 7

Time:              11 – 11:45 a.m.

Location:        Memorial Student Center, Student Resource Center


Thank you,

Steve Hensley
Search Committee Chair


The candidates have been given the following outline:

As part of the on-campus interview process, you will give a presentation to a group of faculty, staff, department chairs, students, and other campus and community stakeholders regarding your vision for the continued successful growth and development of the Honors College at Marshall University.  The presentation should last no more than 30 minutes (not including questions/discussion) and should address the following points, as well as any other topics you consider applicable and appropriate:  structure of the college and its programs, external funding issues and opportunities, engagement with other campus academic units and faculty, enhancing student enrichment and campus leadership opportunities, professional and community outreach, and student recruitment.  A computer and projector will be provided if you need such.