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Department of Modern Language’s Japanese program to host Japan Day

Marshall University’s Japanese program in the Department of Modern Languages will host Japan Day from 3 to 6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 16, in Marco’s on the lower level of the Memorial Student Center on Marshall’s Huntington campus.

The event, which is free and open to the public, along with Marshall students, faculty and staff, features several activities, such as matcha tea tasting, origami, shuji calligraphy, onigiri rice ball tasting, coloring and a photo booth where guests can try on a summer yukata kimono. There also will be tea whisking, kendo and onigiri-making demonstrations as well as presentations in the Japanese language by Japanese language students.

Guests can experience the Japanese culture with Marshall students and learn about Marshall’s Japanese program, which features West Virginia’s only Japanese language major, Japanese education major, Japanese language minor, and Japanese Studies minor.

Japan Day is co-sponsored by Marshall’s Japan Club, Sado (Tea) Club and Kendo Club, and it will mark Marshall’s first collaboration with the new Japanese Outreach Initiative Coordinator, Megumi Homma.

Also, John Denver’s Country Roads will be sung in Japanese.

To learn more about Marshall University’s Japanese program, visit