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Doctoral student to participate in community discussion during Obama visit Wednesday

Carrie Dean, a student in Marshall University’s Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) program, has been invited to participate in the community discussion with President Barack Obama on Wednesday, Oct. 21, in Charleston. Obama is coming to the state to discuss the prescription drug and heroin epidemic that has affected West Virginia and the country.

“I think this is a great learning opportunity as a future psychologist,” Dean said. “I hope this meeting brings more awareness to the substance abuse problems that West Virginia residents face. Likewise, I hope we can work toward better resources for substance abuse and the mentally ill in West Virginia.”

“Substance abuse problems are a common issue that patients deal with when seeking mental health services,” said Dr. Keith Beard, director of the Psy.D. program. “Everyone can think of a person they know who has or is dealing with substance use problems. Attending this forum is a great opportunity for one of our students. The fact that Carrie has been selected helps to recognize how the Department of Psychology at Marshall, and the doctoral program, are working to educate future psychologists and the importance that these skilled mental health providers will have for West Virginia residents.”