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University to collect donations for Barboursville Veterans Home

The Marshall University Heart of Appalachia Talent Search (HATS) Program, Army ROTC and the office of Military and Veterans Affairs are working together to collect donations for local veterans.
Items are being collected on the Huntington campus of Marshall University through Dec. 1, according to Angela Holley, director of the HATS program. The have been collecting on campus since Oct. 15.

“We are conducting our annual project here on campus in which our program, along with our middle schools and high schools in Mason and Wayne Counties, the Army ROTC and the Military and Veterans Affairs Office partner to collect items for the residents of the Barboursville Veterans Home,” Holley said. “We look forward to delivering these gifts and hosting a Christmas party for our veterans every year.”

Donation boxes are located on campus at Marshall University in the following locations:

  • Army ROTC Office
  • Drinko Library
  • Campus Christian Center
  • Corbly Hall
  • Memorial Student Center
  • Smith Hall
  • Military and Veterans Affairs Office


Requested donation items include:

  • Shampoo
  • Deodorant
  • Toothpaste
  • Toothbrush
  • Shaving Lotion/Gel
  • Soap/Body Wash
  • Socks
  • Board Games
  • Art Supplies

For more information or to arrange drop-off locations, contact Holley at or 304-696-2201.

Photo: Captain Stephan Epperly of the Marshall University Army ROTC program is shown delivering items to a veteran during last year’s event.