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Marshall to participate in Greenlight a Vet

Marshall University is showing its support of our veterans by participating in the Greenlight a Vet campaign. Marshall challenges the community to join it as it lights the city in green in honor of the men and women who serve our country.

This afternoon, the spotlights on the brick Marshall University sign outside of Old Main will turn green. These lights will stay green throughout the remainder of November.
Participating in the Greenlight campaign is only one small way Marshall University shows support to our veterans, said Kim White, Director of Military and Veteran Affairs at Marshall University.

“I think shining a green light as a show of Marshall University’s support for veterans is a fitting tribute, not only because green is the color of Marshall University, but because green symbolizes hope and forward movement,” White said. “The veterans at Marshall University are moving forward, on their way toward a degree, and we are here to support that effort all year round, not only on Veterans Day.”

Marshall University encourages the community to join it by changing one light to Green at your office or home. Share your support by taking a picture of your green light and post it using the hashtag #greenlightavet.

The suggestion for Marshall to participate in the Greenlight a Vet campaign came from Marshall Athletics.

“Marshall Athletics has a strong connection with our local veterans,” said Mike Hamrick, Director of Athletics. “We have a very special salute to our veterans at a football and basketball game each year but we don’t want the recognition and awareness to stop there. The Greenlight a Vet program is a great initiative to bring awareness to the many veterans that struggle in our country each year. It is important that our athletic department and our university support this movement. We ask that you support the Herd and all of our fine veterans by changing a light today to green. We are honored to support this cause.”

About Greenlight a Vet: Greenlight A Vet is a campaign created by Wal-Mart to establish visible national support for our veterans by changing one light to green. Green is the color of hope, renewal and well-being. “Greenlight” is also a term commonly used to activate forward movement. The simple action of changing one light to green is intended to spark a national conversation regarding the recognition of veterans, and “greenlight” them forward as valued members of our communities. Learn more by visiting