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Chamber Choir to perform free recital

The Marshall University Chamber Choir, under the direction of Dr. David Castleberry, will present its free fall concert on Sunday, Nov. 13, at 3 p.m. in Smith Recital Hall on Marshall’s Huntington campus.

The performance will range from renaissance music of Palestrina to newly composed works, according to Castleberry. The program’s centerpiece will be John Corigliano’s “Fern Hill,” a setting of the Dylan Thomas poem for chorus and soprano solo. Other pieces will include a choral transcription from Ravel’s “Mother Goose Suite” and the Moses Hogan arrangement of the spiritual “My Soul’s Been Anchored.”

The Marshall University Chamber Choir is a select group who have traveled and recorded extensively. They have been featured on West Virginia Public Radio, public television, and in recordings and concerts for the American Choral Directors Association, the Music Educators National Association, the American Guild of Organists and other professional organizations. During the spring of 2016, the choir traveled to Spain for a 10-day performance tour, and will perform at Saint Bartholomew’s Church in New York City in March of 2017.

For more information about the Chamber Choir or the School of Music, visit