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Forensic Science faculty member to sit on CAP committees

Marshall University Forensic Science program assistant professor Kelly Beatty has been named to two College of American Pathologists (CAP) committees.

The committees are the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) Relationship Stands Committee and the College of American Pathologists Histocompatibility/Identity Testing Committee.

Beatty said she is excited to be a part of these committees.

“I am honored to be participating with organizations committed to enhancing quality in forensic science,” Beatty said.

The AABB Relationship Stands Committee edits and writes the AABB relationship standards, which are used for the assessment of labs seeking AABB Accreditation for relationship testing. The members of the College of American Pathologists Histocompatibility/Identity Testing Committee contribute to the development, maintenance and enhancement of proficiency testing programs and continuing education in the field of forensic science.

Beatty has several years of experience in the forensic science field. She has been a DNA analyst at the Marshall University Forensic Science Center for 16 years and just recently became an assistant professor in the forensic science program. She has conducted continuing education trainings, locally and nationally, since 2010 and is considered an expert witness with testimony in four states.

To learn more about the Marshall University Forensic Science program, visit