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Marshall addresses hidden bias on campus through open forum

Marshall University provided a deeper understanding of biases held in society during today’s “The Truth about Bias: Deconstructing Hidden Bias across the Higher Education Landscape” – an open forum dedicated to understanding the effect of unconscious bias in higher education.

The forum, moderated by Rick Daniels, dean of students at Rock Valley College in Rockford, Illinois., addressed effective strategies for bias reduction and provided culturally relevant activities, which stimulated dialogue among Marshall’s administrators, faculty, staff and students.

“By understanding the effects of unconscious bias, and its influence in various areas across the higher education landscape, we can work supportively to reduce its occurrence and develop effective communication as it pertains to race, power and privilege,” Daniels said. “There is no better time than the present to address these issues, especially in light of what is currently happening in our nation.”

Dr. Cedric Gathings, vice president of student affairs, said future sessions are being planned to continue the conversation about bias at Marshall.

“Before we can properly address a problem through action, we must first identify where those problems lie and from where they originated,” Gathings said. “Once we identify those issues, it is easier to deconstruct or strategically address these biases in our community.”

Gathings said he hope attendees leave the session understanding how their biases may hinder their future potential for success.

“At the core of who we are at Marshall University is family; and, because of this, I think we have to rely on our faculty, staff and students who have the passion necessary to provide a positive experience for everyone in the community.”

The student session is planned for 4 p.m. today in the Memorial Student Center’s BE-5 with planning underway for additional campus discussions in the fall semester.

To learn more about future activities hosted by the Office of Student Affairs, visit