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School of Pharmacy, Lewis College of Business offer collaborative PharmD/MBA program

Marshall University’s School of Pharmacy and Lewis College of Business today announced a new PharmD/MBA program, which will allow graduates to receive both the Master of Business Administration and Doctor of Pharmacy degrees concurrently.

The program was developed in response to the healthcare industry’s growing need for people who both can make effective clinical decisions and manage fiscal and human resources, according to Dr. Glenn Anderson, associate dean of academic and curricular affairs at the School of Pharmacy.

“The dual degree program is flexible and integrated. The intent is for students to have the opportunity to walk at graduation receiving both degrees,” Anderson said. “This program is the first of a number of dual degree opportunities under development at Marshall University through the School of Pharmacy.”

Bob Simpson, interim dean of the Lewis College of Business, said of the 46 hours the Lewis College of Business requires to complete its MBA, as many as 11 course credits are already being taken by the Doctor of Pharmacy students, which would go toward the completion of their MBA.

“The Lewis College of Business is very enthusiastic in welcoming PharmD students to this innovative and collaborative program with the School of Pharmacy. The opportunity to obtain both degrees concurrently creates exciting opportunities for students who have an entrepreneurial mindset,” Simpson said.

Students interested in enrolling in this program for Fall 2017 can learn more by contacting Wes Spradlin with the Lewis College of Business at or contacting Megan Russell with the School of Pharmacy at

To learn more about Marshall’s School of Pharmacy and its dual degree programs, visit online. For more information on the Lewis College of Business and its MBA degree program, visit online.