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The Dr. Carter G. Woodson Lyceum receives grant to train schoolteachers who teach black history

The Dr. Carter G. Woodson Lyceum’s first official act involved a successful application to the West Virginia Humanities Council, which has awarded the lyceum a grant of $20,035 for “The Dr. Carter G. Woodson Lyceum’s Summer Program for Black History Instruction.”

The grant totals $40,097 when $20,062 in cash and in-kind contributions are included. The humanities workshop will run over four days (June 6-9, 2017). Experts in history, writing and journalism will lead the teachers in three days of classroom sessions. The fourth day involves a bus tour of regional black history sites.

Teachers will produce lesson plans with a due date of Sept. 30, 2017. Stipends of $500 each and three hours of graduate credit, at no cost to the teachers, will be provided through the grant.

All West Virginia teachers are eligible to apply for one of the 20 available slots. Deadline for applications is Feb. 15. Applications will be submitted through a website provided by Cabell County Schools. Preference will be given secondary teachers, and after Feb. 15 any available positions will also be open to elementary teachers.

Lyceum partners supporting the summer institute are Cabell County Schools, Marshall University’s College of Education and Professional Development, Marshall University’s Department of Intercultural Affairs and the Carter G. Woodson Memorial Foundation. Contact Burnis Morris, for further information.

This project is presented with financial assistance from the West Virginia Humanities Council, a state affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions or recommendations do not necessarily represent those of the West Virginia Humanities Council or the National Endowment for the Humanities.