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School of Medicine student selected for national position with LCME

Raj Singh, a third-year medical student at the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, has been selected through a rigorous application process to serve as one of two students on the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME), the accrediting body for medical schools in the United States and Canada.

Singh, who was born in New Jersey and spent much of his childhood in Parkersburg, West Virginia, says he is very excited about representing Marshall University.

“I’m thrilled with the opportunity to represent Marshall as well as other medical schools and students from across the country, particularly giving voice to those smaller, community-based institutions like ours,” Singh said.  “I have a future interest in medical education and being able to view, understand and participate in the accreditation process is a fantastic opportunity.”

Singh has an undergraduate degree in economics from Duke University and matriculated at Marshall with the class of 2018.

“Mr. Singh is an outstanding student who demonstrates key leadership qualities and a keen intellect,” said Joseph I. Shapiro, M.D., dean of the School of Medicine. “His selection is confirmation of his exceptional abilities as well as a nod of approval for our institution.”

According to the LCME, student members participate fully in LCME activities including serving on one survey team during the year, and have full voting privileges.

Singh will begin his term July 1 and serve for one year.