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Alpha Sigma Phi chapter receives national award

The Beta Delta chapter of Marshall University’s Alpha Sigma Phi has received the Grand Senior President’s Cup, the highest honor within the international fraternity.

This marks the record-breaking seventh time Marshall’s chapter has earned this award. According to the fraternity’s website, community service hours, philanthropy events, brotherhood development, professional development, and campus and community involvement are all important factors to receiving the accolade.

Chapter President Mackenzie White said he’s been working toward the recognition since his first semester with the fraternity.

“Winning this award truly was years in the making,” White said. “Being able to push the young men in this fraternity just a little further in order to finally bring home the overall award is something I take a lot of pride in.”

Chapter Advisor Matt James said his undergraduate experience in the fraternity shaped his professional journey.

“The gentlemen of the Beta Delta Chapter continue to this day to uplift and better themselves not only in the name of Alpha Sigma Phi, but in that of the late Dr. Daniel Babb, grand chapter advisor emeritus,” James, who also serves as assistant dean of student affairs at Marshall, said.

For more information about Alpha Sigma Phi or fraternity and sorority life at Marshall, visit


Photo: Members of Alpha Sigma Phi celebrate their receipt of the Grand Senior President’s Cup.