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Sammons to present at Dallas conference on crimes against children

Marshall University’s John Sammons has been invited to give two presentations next week at the Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference in Texas.

Sammons is an associate professor of digital forensics/information assurance and chair of Marshall’s Department of Forensic Science. His presentations will be titled “Vehicle Forensics: An Emerging Evidence Source” and “Technical Testimony: Making Sure the Jury ‘Gets it.’”

The second presentation is based on his most recent book, “Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Teaching the Jury through Effective Use of Visuals,” which he co-authored with Lars Daniel.

Sammons also serves as a part-time investigator with the Cabell County, West Virginia, prosecutor’s office. He is a former Huntington Police officer who spent the majority of his career as a detective investigating drug trafficking in and around the Huntington area. Sammons’ investigative work was recognized by the United States Department of Justice when he received their award for public service.

The conference is Monday, Aug. 7, through Thursday, Aug. 10, and is expected to draw thousands of professionals involved in the investigation, prosecution, and treatment of crimes against children. Last year’s conference had over 4,200 participants.


Photo: John Sammons (left), chair of the forensic science department at Marshall, discusses vehicle forensics with graduate student Celia Whelan.