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RCBI campers gain hands-on computer coding experience

Students across the region are learning in-demand computer coding skills this week during Python Coding Camp at the Robert C. Byrd Institute (RCBI) in Huntington.

Middle schoolers from Boone, Cabell, Kanawha, Monongalia and Wayne counties in West Virginia and Lawrence County in Ohio are learning to code with Python programming language as they create games and solve puzzles under the guidance of expert Bill Gardner, assistant professor at Marshall University.

This year’s coding camp – called PASSCODE – also focuses on the connection between coding skills and manufacturing. Campers will tour RCBI’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology Center to see the relationship between coding and computer-controlled manufacturing equipment. In addition, each camper will receive a Raspberry Pi and learn to operate the versatile small computer used in electronics projects.

“RCBI’s camps are filled with hands-on, real-world activities that develop specialty skills that are increasingly in demand,” said Charlotte Weber, RCBI’s director and CEO. “To ensure tomorrow’s highly skilled workforce, it’s imperative that we engage students early and often in these high-tech STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields.”

Jobs that require coding skills are among the fastest-growing occupations. In 2015 alone there were 7 million job openings, according to Burning Glass, a job market analytics firm.

RCBI received financial support for the coding camp from Nuts, Bolts & Thingamajigs ®, the foundation of the Fabricators and Manufacturers Association.

The Robert C. Byrd Institute delivers innovative solutions with leading-edge technology to advance manufacturing and entrepreneurship. Learn more at


Photo: Two Boone County middle schoolers use their newly acquired computer coding skills to create drawings during Python Coding Camp this week at the Robert C. Byrd Institute in Huntington. The drawings will be used in custom-designed computer games.