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Mummert named treasurer of Society for Mathematical Biology

Dr. Anna Mummert, an associate professor of mathematics in Marshall University’s College of Science, has been named treasurer of the Society for Mathematical Biology. Her term will run from 2017 until 2019.

As treasurer, she will be responsible for the society’s finances and will serve on the board of directors. The Society for Mathematical Biology is an international professional organization founded in 1973 to promote research and education in the applications of mathematics to biology. With over 1,000 members from 45 countries, the organization publishes the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, organizes an annual conference, sponsors research and travel grants, and recognizes prominent scholars in the field. Its next annual meeting will be in July 2018 in Sydney, Australia.

Mummert’s work in mathematical biology has focused on mathematical epidemiology and on water modeling. She has studied many aspects of the 2009 H1n1 pandemic flu and SARS. She also is a researcher on the Appalachian Freshwater Initiative Grant, which was awarded to Marshall in 2015 to study the effect of stressors on rivers in West Virginia.

Mummert earned her Ph.D. in mathematics at Pennsylvania State University. She has held visiting positions at schools including Michigan State University before coming to Marshall in 2008. She is assistant chair for undergraduate studies in the Department of Mathematics, and she has served on committees including the MU Women’s Studies Advisory.