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Alumnus returns to campus for lecture and author signing at university bookstore

Bob Bentz, a 1983 Marshall University alumnus, will return to the university’s Huntington campus Nov. 10-11 to give a presentation to marketing students and sign copies of his book, “Relevance Raises Response: How to Engage and Acquire with Mobile Marketing.”

Bentz, a marketing graduate from the Lewis College of Business, said it’s an incredible honor to be invited back to share his experiences with students.

“I’m always looking for a reason to return to Marshall University and being given the chance to share my experience and my expertise with the future marketers of the world gives me an immense sense of pride,” Bentz said.

As part of the college’s Business Professionalism Speaker Series, Bentz will give a presentation to business students at 3 p.m., Friday, Nov. 10in Corbly Hall 106. The next day, Bentz will sign copies of his newest book from 1 to 3 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 11, at the Marshall University Bookstore. Copies of the book can be purchased for $19.99.

Bentz now serves as president of Advanced Telecom Services Inc., the company he co-founded in 1989. He is also the author of the best-selling book, “Opportunity is Calling: How to Start Your Own Successful 900 Number.” Prior to founding Advanced Telecom Services, he worked in television advertising sales and management positions with Post-Newsweek and Capital Cities ABC television stations.

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