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Last MUsic Monday lecture of year to take place at the Cellar Door

The Marshall University School of Music will present the season’s last MUsic Mondays lecture Monday, Dec. 11, at the Cellar Door, 905 Third Ave. in Huntington.

In “Ralph Vaughan Williams’ Quintessential Englishness,” music professor and lead presenter Dr. Vicki Stroeher said she will explore the reason and expression of national identity in composers’ works, particularly Williams’ hunt for the national English musical style and how he came to define it.

“Ralph Vaughan Williams, an avid collector of British folk songs, was at the forefront of the establishing of an English national style in the 1920s and ’30s,” Stroeher said. “His works, such as ‘The Lark Ascending’ and ‘Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis,’ are generally thought of as the most representative works of the English style in music.”

The series has seen steady attendance since it debuted underground in fall 2015. The MUsic Mondays four-part series will return Jan. 22, with Dr. Elizabeth Reed Smith, professor of violin and conductor of the Marshall University Orchestra, presenting on Johann Sebastian Bach’s “Chaconne” for solo violin.

While admission is free for Marshall students with a valid MUID, seating is limited. Additional attendees are asked to support the music program with a $10 donation payable to Marshall University at the door. For more information about the MUsic Mondays series, call Marshall’s School of Music at 304-696-3117.


Photo: Community members gathered to watch Dr. Johan Bates, assistant professor of piano, at the Nov. 27 event titled “A Prelude to What?”