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Multimedia event ‘Body Shots XI: (S)heroes’ celebrates heroic women

Marshall University Women’s Studies will present “Body Shots XI: (S)heroes” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, in the Francis-Booth Experimental Theatre of the Joan C. Edwards Performing Arts Center.

Body Shots is an annual multimedia production highlighting work from students, staff, and faculty across campus. This year’s theme, (S)heroes, will showcase dance, comedy, video, creative essays, and scholarship that is focused on women at their most heroic.

This is an annual event that showcases talent from across the university surrounding a particular theme. The project was conceived 11 years ago by Dr. Greta Rensenbrink to invite students, faculty and staff from across disciplines to create art and scholarship surrounding a single theme.

“This year’s theme, ‘(S)heroes’ came about given the cultural influx of superhero movies and TV shows, especially the blockbuster release last summer of Wonder Woman,” said Dr. Hilary Brewster, assistant professor of English. “However, ‘(s)heroes’ are certainly not limited to fictional women in capes. Heroic women have changed the course of history and science, created important art, survived innumerable challenges and walk among us every day.”

This multimedia presentation is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be served.

This event is being offered with sponsorship from the College of Liberal Arts; Women’s Studies; the Women’s Center; Sexuality Studies; the Department of English; the Department of Sociology and Anthropology; and the Department of History.

For more information, e-mail Brewster at; Dr. Robin Riner, associate professor of anthropology, at; or Dr. Jill Treftz, associate professor of English, at