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Corps of Engineers Day coming up March 6

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host a Corps of Engineers Day on Marshall University’s Huntington campus from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, March 6, in the lobby of the university’s Memorial Student Center.

This event, sponsored by the Office of Career Education/Career Services, will highlight the various departments at the Corps’ Huntington office and the many different career possibilities that exist at this federal government organization. The Corps will share with students and faculty the majors and class requirements needed for internship employment and how students can add the needed courses through electives to qualify for many of these positions, according to Debby Stoler, assistant director of development and outreach in Marshall’s Career Services office.

“Everyone thinks of engineering careers when you say Corps of Engineers, and engineering is a big and important part of this organization,” Stoler said. “What the Corps would like to help students and faculty understand is there are also opportunities outside of engineering, and with just a few additional classes, many of our students in a wide variety of fields may qualify for positions at the Corps, regardless of their majors.”

The showcase event will include hands-on and visual demonstrations, and information gathering from each department at the Corps.  Stoler said there will also be a table with helpful information on navigating the sometimes-confusing process of applying for government jobs through

Students of all class levels are encouraged to attend this free event.  Faculty are also strongly encouraged to come by and talk with the Corps representatives so they can collect information to share with their students now and in the future.

The university’s student-led radio station, WMUL 88.1 FM, will be in attendance to conduct a live remote and play music throughout the day.

If you have questions about the event, please contact Stoler in Career Services by calling 304-696-6679 or by e-mailing, or the Career Services front desk at 304-696-2370 or


Photo: Marshall University President Jerry Gilbert joined members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on the Memorial Student Center plaza during last year’s Showcase Day on Tuesday, April 18, 2017.