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Free trombone recital offered Sunday

Dr. Michael Stroeher, professor of low brass in the Marshall University School of Music, will present a trombone recital at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 25, in Smith Recital Hall on Marshall’s Huntington campus. Assisted by faculty colleagues Dr. Alexander Lee, tenor, and Dr. Johan Botes, piano, Stroeher will perform works by American composers Richard Peaslee, Eric Ewazen and James Kazik.

Each of the works featured explores different musical aspects of the trombone. The works by Peaslee and Kazik incorporate aspects of jazz. Peaslee has written for Broadway and television, and Kazik is the staff arranger for the Army band, Pershing’s Own. Ewazen was influenced by the lyrical 19th-century German composer Franz Schubert in writing his duet for trombone and voice.

“So, the works on the recital are accessible to all,” Stroeher said. “I’m really fortunate to have such talented colleagues to perform with.”

The recital is free and open to the public. For more information, call the School of Music at 304-696-3117.