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Foundation establishes Larry and Toby Ann Nitardy Scholarship

The Marshall University Foundation Inc. has established the Larry and Toby Ann Nitardy Scholarship to benefit full-time students from Kentucky, Ohio and West Virginia who are enrolled in the university’s H.E.L.P. (Higher Education for Learning Problems) program.

Larry Nitardy is a 1973 graduate of the university’s business management program and Toby Nitardy is a 1971 elementary education graduate. After nearly 35 years of continued giving to the university, they are honored members of the foundation’s President’s Circle. As first-generation college students, they decided to fund this scholarship because Marshall University has given them so much.

“To us, Marshall serves as a foundation for an empowered life, one where we reason and make decisions all the time,” Larry Nitardy said. “Marshall gave us a place to learn, but also a place to learn to reason and make decisions for ourselves. This prepared us for the competitive world of business, as well as the delicate world of education. Both of us found that we were very competitive contributors in our chosen worlds. We attribute that to the fact that Marshall made us ‘think,’ not just memorize facts and figures.”

Larry Nitardy said being on campus during the November 1970 plane crash also made it easy to commit to the university community.

“We’ve been blessed to give a bit since our graduations in the early 70s,” Larry Nitardy said. “College is about more than the classroom, but it is 100% about building a foundation for logic and decision making. Learning discernment and managing resources serve you well for your entire life. There is an amazing exchange of thoughts and ideas in most of those classes that is as important as anything the professors can share, the Internet can provide or the books can explain.”

For questions about a student’s eligibility for the Larry and Toby Ann Nitardy Scholarship, please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at Marshall University. For questions about starting a scholarship at Marshall, please contact Krystle Davis at the Marshall University Foundation by phone at 304-696-6781 or by e-mail at


Photo: Marshall alumni Toby (’71) and Larry (’73) Nitardy have established a renewable scholarship to help Kentucky, Ohio or West Virginia students who are in the Marshall University H.E.L.P. program.