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World Fusion events to kick off with ‘Culture Shock’

The Marshall University World Council student organization will kick off its World Fusion Week events with “Culture Shock,” an interactive, game-show-style program aimed at showcasing students’ unique cultural experiences in America and Huntington. This free event will take place from 5 to 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 11, in the university’s Memorial Student Center, room BE-5, on the Huntington campus.

During the event, five student presenters from various backgrounds will share a story about a cultural experience they’ve had while at Marshall, according to Ellen Castro, member of the university’s World Council. Castro said they will pose questions to audience members about the shared experience and give them the chance to compete for the correct answer and earn prizes.

“We really just want to make everyone feel included here at Marshall,” Castro said. “World Council is one of the only organizations on campus who has student representatives from different countries around the globe, 15 countries in fact. Culture Shock is set to be a transformative experience, allowing those in attendance an opportunity to adjust his or her views about others and to learn from our classmates’ uncommon experiences.”

Student presentations will be conducted by Joelle Danielle Mahaga Kamdem of Cameroon, Africa; Tyler Monroe of Columbus, Ohio; Deena Dahshan of Charleston; Autumn Haithcock of Huntington; and Rieko Miyakuni of Japan. Mitzi Sinnott of All Here Together Productions will serve as master of ceremonies for the event, introducing each of the guest speakers. Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served at the event.

Media are welcome to attend the rehearsal session at 3 p.m., Monday, April 9, in the student center’s room BE-5 and to cover the activities the night of the event. Following Culture Shock, World Fusion Day is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursday, April 12, on the Memorial Student Center plaza. Housed within the Office of Intercultural Affairs, Marshall University’s World Council strives to promote a culturally diverse, open and inclusive campus. If you want to learn more about joining World Council, contact Ellen Castro at