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State bioscience meeting to be held on Huntington campus

Marshall University will host the Eighth Annual West Virginia Bioscience Summit this Thursday, April 19. The program will begin at 10 a.m. at the Brad D. Smith Foundation Hall located on 5th Avenue on Marshall’s Huntington campus.

Sponsored by the Bioscience Association of West Virginia, the daylong program will bring the region’s biotechnology company officials, researchers, service providers, policy makers, economic developers, funders and others to Huntington to learn about the industry’s latest developments and outlook.

Michelle Dixon, president of Huntington-based Alcon Research Ltd. will give the keynote address at lunch. The program also includes speakers and panelists from Cordgenics LLC, Microbiological Consultants Inc. and Progenesis Technologies LLC in Huntington; and Valtari Bio and Modulation Therapeutics Inc. in Morgantown; as well as from West Virginia State University, West Virginia University and the Kentucky Life Science Council.

Marshall University President Jerome A. Gilbert, who has a background in biomedical engineering and research, will be a featured speaker. Sara Payne Scarbro, Marshall’s associate vice president for external engagement, will talk about the recently formed Alliance for the Economic Development of Southern West Virginia and how the group’s higher education institutions are working to help bring jobs to the region.

The full agenda and registration information for the event are available online at