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Surgical chief residents at School of Medicine match to fellowships

All four chief residents from the general surgery residency program at the Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine have successfully matched into subspecialty fellowship programs, Paulette S. Wehner, M.D., vice dean of graduate medical education at the school, announced Thursday.

This is the first time in recent history that all chief residents in the program have matched into specialized training. Acceptance to the fellowships means an additional one or two years of training for those in trauma/critical care, three years in plastic surgery and two years in vascular surgery. Fellowships are subspecialty training in a chosen area after completion of the five years of the general surgery residency that follow four years of medical school.

“This successful fellowship match reflects the diligence Dr. Farid Mozaffari, the residency program director, Program Manager Donna Webb and Assistant Melissa Kenney have devoted over the past few years,” Wehner said.  “Our residents have worked hard and been rewarded with extremely competitive fellowships. I congratulate all on a job well done.”

The four chief residents headed to fellowships in July 2019 are:

  • Alex Baronowsky, M.D., Trauma/Critical Care at the University of Florida in Orlando
  • Rahman Barry, M.D., Plastic Surgery at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee
  • Jason Brown, M.D., Trauma/Critical Care at the University of Hawaii in Honolulu
  • Matthew Krantz, M.D., Vascular Surgery at Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio

“I am always proud of our Marshall surgery residents, but I am especially proud of our chiefs,” Mozaffari said. “Our residents have matched in very impressive programs. Their hard work and abilities have been recognized and I am looking forward to seeing them grow in their chosen subspecialty.”


Photo: Paul C. Bown, M.D., (far left) assistant general surgery residency program director, and Farid B. Mozaffari, M.D., (far right) program director, are pictured with Marshall University’s chief surgical residents, all of whom matched into subspecialty fellowship programs. Pictured second from left to right are Jason Brown, M.D.; Rahman Barry, M.D.; Matthew Krantz, M.D.; and Alex Baronowsky, M.D.