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Marshall achieves research milestone with ‘R2’ Carnegie classification

For the first time in its history, Marshall University has been selected as an “R2” research institution by the Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education.

This designation places Marshall among the top six percent of college and universities in the nation, and is the second-highest classification an institution can receive from the organization.

Carnegie surveyed more than 4,000 universities and put 139 in the R2 category, which includes universities that confer at least 20 research/scholarship doctorates annually and spend a minimum $5 million per year on research. Marshall joins universities like Baylor, Wake Forest and Lehigh in the R2, or Doctoral University: High Research Activity, category.

Marshall University President Jerome A Gilbert

Marshall President Jerome A. Gilbert, in making the announcement, said the new designation, considered a significant milestone in the academic research world, is a tribute to the hard work and research efforts of faculty across the institution.

“This is tremendous recognition for Marshall University’s research programs,” Gilbert said. “We are very proud of the continued progress of our programs and the university.  Increasing our research activity has been one of my goals since arriving at Marshall and it continues to be a priority.”

Marshall’s research expenditures have increased 35 percent over the past two-and-a-half years from $23 million to $31 million, and are expected to climb further in 2019.

“Marshall’s attainment of this classification recognizes the significant accomplishments of the university in research and post-graduate education,” said Dr. John M. Maher, Marshall’s vice president for research. “It reflects the hard work and dedication to education and scholarship of the faculty and reflects the continued growth in external grant support for Marshall programs in science, the fine and liberal arts, education and economic development.”

External grant support for Marshall programs currently includes funding from the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among many others.

Marshall was previously classified as a M1: Master’s Colleges and Universities – Larger Programs, but with the university’s increased research productivity and a move by the Carnegie program to include additional doctorates in its methodology, Marshall’s designation improved.

Historically, Carnegie has evaluated higher education institutions every five years, but recently changed its schedule to every three years.