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Stevens awarded $8,500 Phi Kappa Phi fellowship

Jacqueline Stevens, who is pursuing a master’s degree in psychology at Marshall University, has been awarded a fellowship worth $8,500 by the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, which is among the nation’s oldest and most selective collegiate honor societies for all academic disciplines. Stevens is one of 58 students nationwide to receive a Phi Kappa Phi fellowship.

A St. Albans resident, Stevens earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Marshall University. Phi Kappa Phi fellowships are awarded to students based on evidence of graduate potential, undergraduate academic achievement, service and leadership experience, letters of recommendation, a personal statement of educational perspective and career goals, and acceptance in an approved graduate or professional program.

“I have found Jackie to be a responsible and self-motivated student, and her time management skills are impeccable,” said Dr. Dawn Goel, associate professor of psychology at Marshall, adding that Stevens maintained a 4.0 grade point average while taking a full load of classes, serving as a teaching assistant in three courses and managing a household of a spouse and three children.

Stevens is pursuing the Accelerated M.A. Program in psychology and is a member of Marshall’s Honors College and multiple honor societies. She received an Outstanding Student Award at the Honors Convocation in spring 2018. She also volunteers in her children’s school and with Bikers against Child Abuse, accompanying children who have suffered abuse to court.

“Jackie is incredibly bright, personable and patient. Honestly, she has been one of my best students and I cannot say enough good things about her,” Goel said. “Jackie ultimately plans to earn a terminal degree in school psychology, and I fully believe that she would be a dedicated student and competent professional.”

Phi Kappa Phi’s mission is “to recognize and advance excellence in all fields of higher education and society.” Fellowships are part of the society’s robust award programs, which give nearly $1 million each year to outstanding members and students on chapter campuses through study abroad grants, dissertation fellowships, funding for post-baccalaureate development, member and chapter awards, and grants for local, national and international literacy initiatives.
For more information about the fellowship program, visit