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Information technology specialists produce face shields using 3-D printers

Information technology staff at Marshall University School of Pharmacy and Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine are lending their expertise to personal protection equipment (PPE) production. More than 100 face shields have been produced using 3-D printers, including one personally owned by staff and one at the School of Medicine usually dedicated to 3-D printing of anatomy for student training. The face shields have been provided to St. Mary’s Medical Center.

“As soon as we heard about the PPE shortage, my fiancée, Elizabeth Basham, and I started trying to find ways to help,” said John Taylor, instructional technologist at the School of Pharmacy. “She started sewing masks, and I started researching 3-D printed solutions.”

The masks consist of a 3-D printed plastic headband and a piece of transparency film, which can be purchased at an office supply store, attached as the face shield. They are produced following National Institutes of Health guidelines.

3D Printer and mask headband“I have always been interested in 3-D printing,” said David Kalinoski, information technology consultant, sr. at the School of Pharmacy. “I was glad to be able to put my expertise toward such a good cause.”

Marshall Health donated the materials for printing the first batch of 3-D headbands. More face shields will be produced as supplies become available. Material or financial support for this project can be directed to Matt Straub, Marshall Health chief financial officer, at 304-691-1284.


Photos: (Above) Marshall School of Pharmacy information technology consultants David Kalinoski (left) and John Taylor deliver face shields to be used by St. Mary’s Medical Center health care workers. (Below) A completed face shield headband on a 3-D printer.