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School of Pharmacy hosts second drive-thru food collection for Facing Hunger Food Bank

Stephen J. Kopp Hall
The Marshall School of Pharmacy is once again hosting a drive-thru food collection for the Facing Hunger Food Bank Friday, Sept. 18, between 1 and 4 pm. Donors may enter the Charleston Avenue side of Stephen J. Kopp Hall and exit via 11th Street. Non-perishable food items and cash will be accepted.

“Our food drive back in May collected a van-load of food donations and more than $440 in cash,” said Eric Blough, Ph.D., associate dean of academic and curricular affairs at the School of Pharmacy. “We are always impressed by how quickly our neighbors and colleagues step up to meet the needs of our community.”

Faculty, staff and students will staff the event and social distance and masking will be maintained.

Facing Hunger Foodbank is a private, nonprofit, charitable organization founded in 1983. Its Tri-State service area includes Cabell and Wayne counties in West Virginia.