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Psychology Clinic to host support group for those feeling the mental effects of life during a pandemic

The Marshall University Psychology Clinic will host a weekly virtual support group focused on the impact of COVID-19. It will be from 5-6 p.m. Thursdays, beginning on Nov. 19 and continuing for eight weeks.

Topics discussed in this group will include various issues many individuals have experienced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as social isolation, concern for health, lack of coping skills, financial stress, adjustment to work and school, and others.  The group will meet via Microsoft Teams, and is free to participants.

“In my personal and professional life, I have witnessed the immense impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on overall well-being,” said Courtney Douglas, a co-leader of the group. “In this group, we hope we are able to provide a place for members to express their concerns and frustrations, learn new skills, and adapt to the new ‘normal’ that we are all experiencing.”

The pandemic has changed so many aspects of our daily lives, said Chelsea Wallen, another co-leader of the group.

“Everyone is experiencing the difficulties surrounding living through a global pandemic. I hope this group provides a safe space for people to share their experiences and develop strategies that will help them adjust to this change,” Wallen said.

“The pandemic has been lasting for months and looks to continue for much longer. The result has been people getting tired of living with the changes in their everyday routine,” said Dr. Keith Beard, who will supervise the group. “This has led to feeling frustrated, anxious and depressed. The group is an opportunity for people in the community and not just our campus to get needed support in this very stressful time.”

Requirements for this group include stable internet access, a working microphone and camera, being 18 years of age or older, and wanting to discuss the impact of COVID-19. Those interested in signing up or seeking more information may e-mail Douglas at or Wallen at