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Faculty member recognized with national pharmacy association award

Charles “C.K.” Babcock, Pharm.D., associate professor for the Marshall University School of Pharmacy, has been selected to receive a 2021 American Pharmacists Association (APhA) GenerationRx Award of Excellence. The annual award recognizes a pharmacist who has demonstrated a commitment to the mission of substance abuse education.

“Dr. Babcock’s impact on patients, collaboration with other health care professionals and community service record make him a most deserving recipient of this award,” said Dr. Gayle A. Brazeau, dean of the School of Pharmacy.

Babcock has worked with local agencies across the state, including the Cabell Huntington Health Department, to train thousands of people to administer naloxone.  Those who nominated Babcock shared stories from patients and health care professionals who highlighted how his work has led to personal change for many of the patients he has served.

The GenerationRX Award of Excellence is presented at the annual APhA meeting. It is endowed by Cardinal Health Foundation and includes a crystal plaque and complimentary registration and travel reimbursement to the annual APhA meeting next year.